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THEA 211 - Performance Analysis: Production


Browsing the JMU Library catalog will provide a range of titles on production conventions. Experiment with searches such as:  

Keyword = theat* production

Keyword = theat* production restoration

Subject = Theater – Production and direction

Digging Deeper in Websites

Digging Deeper in the Library Catalog

The Library catalog will locate books devoted to production topics. Experiment with searches such as:

Acting Conventions and History

Keyword = acting history

Subject = actors – History

Keyword = acting 19th century

Keyword = theatrical companies history

Keyword  = theat* performance*

Keyword = theat* performance* Great Britain

Drama History

Keyword = drama history restoration

Keyword = drama history Spain

Keyword = English drama 17th century

Subject = opera – 18th century

Theatres and Theatre History

Subject = theater – Stage-setting and scenery
Subject = theater – Stage-setting and scenery – History
Keyword = stage history
Keyword = theat* production direction history
Keyword = theat* Italy
Keyword = theat* history
Keyword = theat* audiences
Subject = Young Vic Theatre (London, England)

Digging Deeper in Databases

Use IBTD and MLA in particular to understand scholarly thought on the play.

Digging Deeper in WorldCat