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Music Library Instruction and Workshops

Information Literacy in music research, performing, and education

Collected Works and Monuments of Music

Much of the library instruction that music students receive is focused on the use of finding tools and databases that help the student conduct research  and complete written assignments music and non-music classes.  Because of this focus on textual resources, students often don't receive instruction in the use of specialized music reference tools that provide access to non-text resources.

This Workshop provides students with instruction and experience with authoritative scores (Collected Works and Monuments of Music) and the tools to access them (Thematic Catalogs, Composer Works Lists, and other finding sources).  Sources used include Grove works lists, thematic catalogs, music indices, and tune finding tools, students are introduced to the large sets in M2 and M3 as well as anthologies in the Performance collections.

Like all workshops, this is flexible and may be tailored to the specific needs of music history research, early music performance, applied studio, and conductors.  This workshop may be accomplished in a single class and pairs well with Evaluation Printed Music workshop.

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