Indexing and full text for periodicals and news sources covering all aspects of business, including business, country economic reports, company profiles, market research reports, industry reports, and SWOT analyses.
Industry market research reports of more than 700 United States industries; includes US Specialized Industry Reports, East Coast State Reports, and iExpert Summaries.
Streaming video tutorials on over 2,000 courses in 3D animation, audio, business, CAD, design, development, photography, video creation, web design, and more. Note: First time users can get started with these instructions.
Full access to The New York Times and International New York Times content. Access also includes unlimited access to the Archives and learning tools such as the Learning Network and the New York Times inEducation website. Note: First time users will need to create a one year renewable account using these instructions
Contains several full-text databases: current news, laws and legislation, business and company information, country and state profiles, tax information, biographies, and more.
Cross-search ProQuest's science and technology collections. Contains article records, deep indexing, and full text articles covering both technological and natural sciences.
Comprehensive and impartial coverage of tax news, with commentary for understanding of tax policy. Note: First time users will need to use Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN to sign in and register a new JMU user account.
Full access to The Washington Post online coverage, including unlimited access to interactives and videos. Access is available in the Library Catalog but you can also sign up for an individual account for more streamlined and personalized access. Note: To create an individual account use these instructions.
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