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KIN 655: Research Methods for PHETE

Journals in Physical and Health Education

Journals in Sport Coaching

International journal of sports science & coaching (Online):

"The International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching is a peer-reviewed, international, academic/professional journal, which aims to bridge the gap between coaching and sports science.

International sport coaching journal:

"The International Sport Coaching Journal (ISCJ) is a venture of the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) and is published by Human Kinetics. Its mission is to advance the profession of coaching.

Journal of sports sciences (Online):

"The Journal of Sports Sciences has an international reputation for publishing articles of a high standard and is both Medline and Clarivate Analytics-listed. The emphasis of the Journal is on the human sciences, broadly defined and applied to sport and exercise."

Physical education and sport pedagogy (Online):

"Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy publishes research into educational practices including school physical activities, club sport, and active leisure programs."

Sports coaching review:

"Sports Coaching Review is the leading-edge critical publication for the international community of sports coaching scholars, students and practitioners."

Journal of strength and conditioning research (Online):

"The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal which publishes research on aerobic conditioning, including physical strength".

Journals in DEI and Social Justice Education

Journal of Inclusive Education 

Publishes multi-disciplinary research on inclusive education, pedagogies, curricula, organizational structures, policy-making, administration and cultures.

Journal of Teacher Education 

Invested in the preparation and continued support of teachers who can have a significant voice in discussions and decision-making. Issues covered include preparing teachers to effectively address the needs of marginalized youth; program design and impact; local and national policy; and accountability.

Journal of Curriculum Studies 

Publishes papers on curriculum studies, covering pedagogy, political, social and cultural studies, education policy, vocational education and more.

The Urban Review 

Provides a forum for the presentation of original investigations, reviews, and essays which examine the issues basic to the improvement of urban schooling and education.

Sport, Education & Society 

Publishes on pedagogy and policy in relation to cultural, political and ethical issues in physical activity, sport and health.

Radical Teacher 

A socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal dedicated to the theory and practice of teaching. It serves the community of educators who are working for democratic process, peace, and justice. The magazine examines the root causes of inequality and promotes progressive social change.

Education, Citizenship, and Social Justice 

Provides a strategic forum for international and multi-disciplinary dialogue for all academic educators and educational policy-makers concerned with the meanings and form of citizenship and social justice as these are realized throughout the time spent in educational institutions...

Recommended Databases

What is Peer Review?

Peer review is one way to evaluate the quality of an article. Use these slides to learn:

  • why peer review is important
  • how to identify peer reviewed articles