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Using "Course Reading List" Feature in Canvas

Add/upload item manually

Upload a File

Uploading a file can be useful when you need to upload files the library doesn’t own to use via a fair use claim, or that you've created and to which you own the copyright.

To get started navigate to your reading list, then:

  1. Click on the blue ADD ITEMS + button to add items to your reading list
  2. Choose Upload a File from the menuUpload a file menu
  3. Drag and Drop your file into the box provided
    Drag and Drop a file box
  4. Fill out the relevant citation information, display dates (optional), and choose a section of your list to add it to
  5. Choose ADD & CLOSE if you are done adding items, otherwise use ADD to keep working

Manually Add a Citation

Add a Citation using a Blank Form

Another way to manually add items is through using the form. This can be useful for adding citations to your course reading list for required textbooks or other materials that students will need to purchase. You can also manually enter citations for materials you'd like the library to consider for purchase, or other recommended readings for students. The steps are very similar to the process above for uploading a file, simply:

  1. Choose Blank Form from the add items menu
    Select blank form
  2. Fill out the relevant citation information, and optionally add a due date, display date range, and choose a section in your list to add this item to
    Tip: choose the item's Type first, before you begin filling out the other fields, because what you select there will change which field options are available

    Citation fields for manual upload
  3. Either choose ADD & CLOSE to submit or ADD to keep adding items