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Learn about e-books at JMU Libraries!

Troubleshooting E-Books

If you experience access issues with an e-book:

  • clear internet browser history and cache and try the book again
  • try turning browser pop-ups off/on
  • try disabling browser extensions
  • if connecting from off-campus make sure you are recognized as a JMU user. See the Connect to JMU’s Online Resources from Off-Campus page for more information.

Report access and other technical issues to library staff or via Ask the Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many users can access an e-book?

A: It depends upon the licensing of the e-book. Many JMU e-books can be used by unlimited users, but some publishers place restrictions on their content. Contact Ask the Library for more information.

Q: Can users access e-books from off-campus?

A: Yes, see the Connect to JMU’s Online Resources from Off-Campus page for more information.

Q: Will a title I found this semester still be available next academic year?

A: That depends, as the library provides access to e-books in a variety of ways, including subscriptions to aggregated collections which are regularly updated as well as titles selected individually for addition to the library's collection.

Q: Can I read e-books on my mobile device?

A: Yes! Many e-books can be downloaded for checkout using the Bluefire Reader app on iOS and Android devices.

Q: Can I read e-books on my e-reader"

A: Any e-reader that supports Adobe Digital Editions, reads PDF format, and can connect with a computer via USB, should be able to access JMU Libraries’ e-books. This should include all major Nook, Kobo, and Sony e-reader devices. Kindle devices (with the exception of Kindle Fire/Fire Tablets) are not compatible with complete e-book downloads from ProQuest or EBSCOhost.

Q: I am a faculty member and want to use an e-book I found through the library in a course. Who should I talk to?

A: Contact your Liaison Librarian for more information.