Liaison Librarians are your point of contact for library services, materials, instruction, and collaboration. Library liaisons' are primarily responsible for representing and supporting academic departmental interests through...
- Purchasing disciplinary materials to support research and scholarship. Material formats vary widely and can be physical objects (like books and videos) or virtual materials (electronic journals and datasets).
- Providing instruction sessions and workshops about searching, evaluating, and using resources.
- Consulting with student and faculty researchers.
- Creating subject or class oriented course guides to direct students to library materials relevant to their research interests and assignments.
- Finding or creating learning objects to support information literacy.
- Working with faculty to develop assignments that incorporate information literacy and critical thinking concepts.
Contact information for librarians can be found on each individual Research Guide or on the list of Liaison Librarians. We also provide chat reference service, which may be of special interest to online learners. Look for an icon on the library homepage like this: