A more comprehensive list of reference resource for dance research are listed on the Background page of this research guide.
A more comprehensive list of research databases for dance research are listed on the Articles page of this research guide.
The below books by dance scholars discuss research in dance. These books are ideal for students to sample, to get a sense of what research in the world of dance means, but don't let them intimidate you. If you have questions, ask me or any of your professors. These books are also ideal for advanced researchers who are searching for things to write about as well as those looking for an understanding about how dance research evolved over time.
As an example for those new to research, a great way to understand the idea of "dance research evolving over time" is to look at a review of Dance on Its Own Terms : Histories and Methodologies (2013). The reviewer, Dr. Ariel Nereson, Professor of Dance Studies at the University of Buffalo, notes that in the 1990s, dance studies "integrated with other disciplines, including performance studies, visual studies, cultural studies, and others." Nereson also notes that books like Meaning in Motion: New Cultural Studies of Dance (1997), "set a standard for this kind of interdisciplinary work" while other books like Moving History/Dancing Cultures: A Dance History Reader (2001) and The Routledge Dance Studies Reader (2010) were written in response to the dance "field's increased visibility in academia." Nereson goes on to discuss how the book, Dance on Its Own Terms, fits into that ecosystem by describing how it argues dance studies leaned too far into other disciplines and that it's time for the field to reconnect with the core aspects of dance, calling for "familiarity with particular schools of movement analysis and notation, allowing for scholarship that springs from dancing itself rather than beginning with external concerns about the body as a site or sign."
Of course, with this example, I should also note that other dance scholars may have a very different things to say about these books and what they mean for their field. As you're asked to use research literature in courses, you'll see that scholars understanding of their field changes over time as new scholars contribute to these on-going scholarly conversations.