Provides content of the H.W. Wilson Company’s printed magazine Current Biography in searchable, electronic format. Users can search thousands of accurate and objective biographies by occupation, activity, gender, birthday, place of origin and more.
Complete Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica Student Encyclopedia, Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, as well as videos, blogs, news, research tools, and links to editor-selected websites.
Bibliographic entries for journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations on the history of science, technology, and medicine.
Click this link to get taken to a quick search of the library catalog for the phrase geologist biography, limited to books. There are more than 70 physical and/or e-books that may help with your project!
GSA Today is a well-known trade publication for geologists. In addition to reports on new research, you can find biographical information about geologists in the past here.
The CST Spotlight celebrates diversity in STEM by highlighting individuals from various backgrounds, including people of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals, those with disabilities, and more, reflecting CST's commitment to representation.
Published since 1877, Biographical Memoirs provide the life histories and selected bibliographies of deceased National Academy of Sciences members. Colleagues familiar with the subject’s work write these memoirs and as such, the series provides a biographical history of science in America. You can also view scientists' current research profiles in the NAS Membership Directory.