The following subject headings are a great place to start:
- Museums
- Archaeological museums and collections
- Art museums
- Children's museums
- Historic house museums
- Historic buildings
- Historical museums
- Museum techniques
- Science museums
From there, you can use a variety of different source types to continue to narrow down your search:
- Bibliography
- Directories
- Handbooks Manuals Etc
- Historiography
- Catalogs
Or by theme:
- Acquisitions
- Collection Management
- History
- Indians of North America
- Law and Legislation
- Popular Culture
- Social Aspects
You might wish to use geographic limiters by nation, region, or state:
- United States
- Great Britain
- England
- Europe
- California
- Washington D C
Some museums even have their own subject headings:
- Royal Ontario Museum
- National Museum of Canada
- British Museum
- Indianapolis Museum of Art