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Accessing NCTM Journals

Math Education Journals

In order to access this journal off campus you need to download, install, and log into Palo Alto GlobalProtect. Use this link to download Palo Alto GlobalProtect. Both journals below are discoverable in ERIC, but the full text is not available. If you want the full text of a specific article in Teaching Children Mathematics, note the volume and issue number and find it on the journal's NCTM webpage or in the JSTOR link.

A Guide to Accessing Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching in PK-12

To access NCTM Journals, you must either be on campus or download Palo Alto GlobalProtect and install it on your computer. Or follow the link from the Libraries home page. 

Once you've started Palo Alto GlobalProtect on your computer, use this link to the database ERIC to search for articles in Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12Add keywords to the search to narrow your articles. You will get results that will look like the picture below. 

When you find an article you like in the journal Mathematic Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, you will notice there is not a full text option in this database. Do not click on the "Get JMU Access" link.

Instead click on the title of the article you want to access.

Next click on the URL link

STOP! If you are off campus, have you started Palo Alto GlobalProtect yet? If not, make sure you do

Clicking on that link will bring you directly to the article