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Curated Booklists - Business & Economics

Data Ethics / Feb. 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most significant changes to affect higher education recently. An opinion piece by Inside Higher Ed outlines how AI is shaping the future of higher education (2023).

While there are numerous benefits that will come with the emergence of AI tools, there are also ethical implications to consider as AI is increasingly used to make business decisions. For February 2024, here are 12 books from JMU’s print and electronic collections that examine data ethics. 

Find more materials about this topic by searching "data ethics" or "algorithmic bias" in Library Search


Who's Watching? Surveillance, Big Data and Applied Ethics in the Digital Age

This 26th volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizationsis a selection of papers from the 27th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics with the theme 'Who's watching? Surveillance, big data and applied ethics in the digital age.'

Data Cartels

In our digital world, data is power. Information hoarding businesses reign supreme, using intimidation, aggression, and force to maintain influence and control.

Data Ethics of Power

By shedding light on the constant tensions that exist between ethical principles and the interests invested in this socio-technical transformation, the book bridges the theory and practice divide in the study of the power dynamics...

Real World AI Ethics for Data Scientists

This book seeks to shape, in a practical, diverse and inclusive way, the ethical compass of those entrusted with big data. Being practical, the book provides seven real world case studies dealing with big data abuse.

Data Ethics and Challenges

This book gives a thorough and systematic introduction to Data, Data Sources, Dimensions of Data, Privacy, and Security Challenges associated with Data, Ethics, Laws, IPR Copyright, and Technology Law.

Consumer Privacy and Data Protection

This short paperback, developed from the casebook Information Privacy Law,contains key cases and materials focusing on privacy issues related to consumer privacy and data security.