In a piece published by the Inside of Higher Ed, a junior faculty member gives a peak in how they decided to approach their summer planning intentionally (May 2019). As you consider your summer plans -- whether you are working on fall courses, teaching a summer course, or taking some time for professional development -- here are 12 books from JMU’s print and electronic collections that examine Teaching Frameworks & Pedagogies for May 2024.
Find more materials about this topic by searching business instruction or teaching framework in Library Search.
In this book, drawn from a special issue of Global Focus, the EFMD has selected around 25 of the best, most thoughtful short papers published in Global Focus to examine the role and purpose of EFMD in the evolution of management education.
Business and human rights (BHR) is a rapidly developing field at the intersection of business, law, and public policy. Teaching Business and Human Rightsis a practical guide and resource for the growing community of BHR teachers, students, and practitioners - from advocates and policymakers to business managers and investors.
This comprehensive guide addresses the continuing gaps in our knowledge about the role of culture in learning; and offers an empirically-based framework and model, together with practical strategies, to assist faculty in transforming college teaching for all their students through an understanding of and teaching to their strengths.
Exploring the potential that lies in university-business collaborations, the present anthology attends to the dilemmas, dualities, and challenges that follow such collaborations, especially in the academic traditions of the social sciences and humanities.
Entrepreneurship educators and researchers constantly renew tools, interventions, and training programs for entrepreneurship education and adapt them to the specific needs of entrepreneurs and developments in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This open-access book is based on this background and offers expert insights that highlight context-specificity and discuss training methods and tools that are impact-oriented.
Based on the latest research on AI and how it is changing learning and education, this book will focus on the enormous opportunities to expand educational settings with AI for learning in and beyond the traditional classroom.
The author of this book, Prof. Peter Lorange, a well-accomplished expert at business and academic leadership, draws on a set of reflections from his vast experience in both fields to offer core messages which help in improving business education.
Arts-based Approaches to Business Education assists educators and facilitators in preparing students and professionals to be conscientious and skilled practitioners in the contemporary organization.
Business Teaching Beyond Silos focuses on the application of business education to the teaching of other subject areas and how other subject areas inform business teaching.
The book contains 23 chapters with full lesson plans arranged into seven themes: algorithms/altmetrics, visual literacy, media literacy, memes, business, science communication, the financial/political impact of fake news, and partnerships. Each chapter has an accompanying PowerPoint freely available in the ACRL Sandbox and findable with the tag "#fakenews".
Advances in Accounting Education is a high-quality publication of both empirical and non-empirical research that investigates vital matters related to teaching, learning, and curriculum development.
Teaching Business Information Literacy provides guidance to new business specialists, generalists, and subject librarians in other disciplines being asked to teach business research classes for the first time. It features more than 40 practical, classroom-proven lesson plans for one-shot, embedded, and credit-bearing library classes.
In this book, drawn from a special issue of Global Focus, the EFMD has selected around 25 of the best, most thoughtful short papers published in Global Focus to examine the role and purpose of EFMD in the evolution of management education.
Business and human rights (BHR) is a rapidly developing field at the intersection of business, law, and public policy. Teaching Business and Human Rightsis a practical guide and resource for the growing community of BHR teachers, students, and practitioners - from advocates and policymakers to business managers and investors.
This comprehensive guide addresses the continuing gaps in our knowledge about the role of culture in learning; and offers an empirically-based framework and model, together with practical strategies, to assist faculty in transforming college teaching for all their students through an understanding of and teaching to their strengths.
Exploring the potential that lies in university-business collaborations, the present anthology attends to the dilemmas, dualities, and challenges that follow such collaborations, especially in the academic traditions of the social sciences and humanities.
Entrepreneurship educators and researchers constantly renew tools, interventions, and training programs for entrepreneurship education and adapt them to the specific needs of entrepreneurs and developments in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This open-access book is based on this background and offers expert insights that highlight context-specificity and discuss training methods and tools that are impact-oriented.
Based on the latest research on AI and how it is changing learning and education, this book will focus on the enormous opportunities to expand educational settings with AI for learning in and beyond the traditional classroom.
The author of this book, Prof. Peter Lorange, a well-accomplished expert at business and academic leadership, draws on a set of reflections from his vast experience in both fields to offer core messages which help in improving business education.
Arts-based Approaches to Business Education assists educators and facilitators in preparing students and professionals to be conscientious and skilled practitioners in the contemporary organization.
Business Teaching Beyond Silos focuses on the application of business education to the teaching of other subject areas and how other subject areas inform business teaching.
The book contains 23 chapters with full lesson plans arranged into seven themes: algorithms/altmetrics, visual literacy, media literacy, memes, business, science communication, the financial/political impact of fake news, and partnerships. Each chapter has an accompanying PowerPoint freely available in the ACRL Sandbox and findable with the tag "#fakenews".
Advances in Accounting Education is a high-quality publication of both empirical and non-empirical research that investigates vital matters related to teaching, learning, and curriculum development.
Teaching Business Information Literacy provides guidance to new business specialists, generalists, and subject librarians in other disciplines being asked to teach business research classes for the first time. It features more than 40 practical, classroom-proven lesson plans for one-shot, embedded, and credit-bearing library classes.
In this book, drawn from a special issue of Global Focus, the EFMD has selected around 25 of the best, most thoughtful short papers published in Global Focus to examine the role and purpose of EFMD in the evolution of management education.
Business and human rights (BHR) is a rapidly developing field at the intersection of business, law, and public policy. Teaching Business and Human Rightsis a practical guide and resource for the growing community of BHR teachers, students, and practitioners - from advocates and policymakers to business managers and investors.
This comprehensive guide addresses the continuing gaps in our knowledge about the role of culture in learning; and offers an empirically-based framework and model, together with practical strategies, to assist faculty in transforming college teaching for all their students through an understanding of and teaching to their strengths.
Exploring the potential that lies in university-business collaborations, the present anthology attends to the dilemmas, dualities, and challenges that follow such collaborations, especially in the academic traditions of the social sciences and humanities.
Entrepreneurship educators and researchers constantly renew tools, interventions, and training programs for entrepreneurship education and adapt them to the specific needs of entrepreneurs and developments in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This open-access book is based on this background and offers expert insights that highlight context-specificity and discuss training methods and tools that are impact-oriented.
Based on the latest research on AI and how it is changing learning and education, this book will focus on the enormous opportunities to expand educational settings with AI for learning in and beyond the traditional classroom.