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Physics & Astronomy

General physics and astronomy subject guide.

A citation...

  • describes a book, journal article, website, or other item;
  • enables the reader to retrieve the item you refer to,
  • includes the author, title, source (publisher and place of publication or URL), and date,
  • follows the desired style of the assignment, publication, or other venue for the project.

Why do we cite?

  • Helps us keep track of our own ideas: Citing as you go creates a good trail for your research.
  • Helps us give credit to the originator of an idea, thus preventing plagiarism.
  • Helps us celebrate the original work of the originator of an idea, lifting up their work and ideas and making them more visible. The author(s) did a lot of work to create their book, journal article, or other item, and citing them not only gives them credit, but also kudos.
  • Helps us connect others' ideas to one another.

How do we cite?

  • In-text citations and footnotes: Quickly give credit and reference to others' words and ideas inside our writing.
  • Bibliography/Reference list: List of our citations at the end of a paper, presentation, or other project. Helps readers find the full information for the sources we referenced when creating our own work.
  • Annotated bibliography: Helps readers -- or ourselves -- know/remember what an article was about, and why it was good to use in our project, by providing a brief description of each work being cited, summarizing and/or assessing the source.

Failing to cite a source correctly is plagiarism. Plagiarism is an academic offense and could get you in serious trouble! But don't panic: as long as you follow the citation guidelines, you will be fine. And remember: when in doubt, cite. It is always better to include a citation that you don't need than to forget a citation that you do need.

Check out our Citing Sources Guide if you need more help!

AIP Style Manual

Citation Tools

Citation management tools are incredibly helpful. They can help you:

  • Store and organize your sources
  • Save and share articles found and your notes with collaborators
  • Build citations to use in your writing and final bibliography

JMU provides additional storage space and help with questions about Zotero. Zotero is a free, open-source citation manager that you can use in a web browser or in a downloaded desktop app. It has browser connector plug-ins to make saving sources as you're researching easy. And it has plug-ins for writing with Microsoft Word and Google docs. Check out the following links for more on Zotero:

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a free citation management tool that will help you to save and organize sources, create citations in a wide variety of formats, and share sources with others in a group. Zotero connects easily with Microsoft Word and Google Docs so you can insert citations directly in your text and automatically generate a reference list.


Annotated bibliographies—Purdue owl®—Purdue university. (n.d.). Retrieved February 12, 2024, from

Chenevey, L. (2023). Teaching the politics of citation: Challenging students’ perceptions. College & Research Libraries News, 84(5), 152.


Based on work from Alyssa Young.