SciFinder-n is a comprehensive discovery tool of chemical information.
New Users
You MUST use your email address. When you select a password it must be:
- Between 7 and 15 characters and meet 3 of the following criteria:
- Contain Letters
- Mixed upper and lower case letters
- Contain Numbers
- Contain at least one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. @,#,%,&,*)
If you have any questions related to this process, please contact Kathryn Shenk, Science and Math Librarian.
Authorized Users
SciFinder-n is available to JMU students, faculty and staff only, non-JMU users are not authorized for access.
Database Description
SciFinder-n provides access to the following Chemical Abstracts databases, plus Medline covering the biomedical literature:
- CAplus — Chemical Abstracts Plus, an index with abstracts for periodicals in chemistry from 1907 the present.
- CAS Registry — an international resource for chemical substance identification.
- CASREACT — information on synthetic organic research.
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