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BIO 150: Foundations of Biology Lab

Foundations of Biology Lab

Citing Sources

Writing Handbooks

A Short Guide to Writing about Biology

Consulting books about the writing process is a good way to develop your skills as a writer and researcher. The books below offer insights into strengthening scientific writing skills. 

Citation Tools

Citation management tools are incredibly helpful. They can help you:

  • Store and organize your sources
  • Save and share articles found and your notes with collaborators
  • Build citations to use in your writing and final bibliography

JMU provides additional storage space and help with questions about Zotero. Zotero is a free, open-source citation manager that you can use in a web browser or in a downloaded desktop app. It has browser connector plug-ins to make saving sources as you're researching easy. And it has plug-ins for writing with Microsoft Word and Google docs. Check out the following links for more on Zotero: