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Dietetics & Nutrition

Understanding the Vocabulary of Research Design

Appendix 6 in the Evidence Analysis Manual from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides a glossary of different research design terms.

Classifying Research Design

Use "Figure 2.2 Algorithm for Classifying the Research Design of Primary Studies" (pg 33) in the Evidence Analysis Manual to help think through different questions and find the closest description for study design. There are also instructions after the figure that explain how to use this algorithm.

Hierarchy & Classification of Studies

Not all studies are created equal.

Use the following Hierarchy & Classification of Studies from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Evidence Analysis Manual to help you find the best evidence, not just the first results. 

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic's Hierarchy and Classification of Studies table

Best Evidence for Type of Question

Evidence pyramid

Evidence Pyramid” by Tufts University can be reused under the BY-NC-SA license 4.0

Decoding Statistics