This course guide is a quick resource for assignments in CHEM 287L-288L. Use the other tabs on this Chemistry subject guide to find journals and journal articles, books, and media related to chemistry, as well as other tools. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your librarian.
You will need these sources to complete some of your lab assignments. See the box below for tutorials on using handbooks and encyclopedias as well.
To find a CAS Registry Number (CAS RN), run a substance search in SciFinder-n. The CAS RN will be listed with the particular substance.
Not everything can be found in an article or structure. Sometimes you will need to investigate other types of information. Sometimes, this can be referred to as "grey literature." Grey literature most often refers to white papers or reports written for internal use by organizations. Another example is regulations published by government agencies. Finally, patents can also be helpful when searching the literature.