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Early Music: Renaissance


History and Background

  • Scholarly articles from Grove Music Online  Paid for by JMU

Renaissance Music, John DunstableGiles Binchois, Johannes Ockeghem, Antoine Busnois, Josquin des Prez, Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, Adrian Willaert, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso, Tomás Luis de Victoria, William Byrd, Carlo Gesualdo, Claudio Monteverdi, motet, mass, English 'aire', variations, Frottola, Ricercarmadrigal, madrigal comedy

  • Articles from Wikipedia  Open Access

Renaissance Music, John Dunstable, Guillaume DufayGiles Binchois, Johannes Ockeghem, Antoine Busnois, Josquin des Prez, Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, Adrian Willaert, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso, Tomás Luis de Victoria, William Byrd, Carlo Gesualdo, Claudio Monteverdi, mass, motet, English 'aire", variations, Frottola, Ricercar, madrigal, madrigal comedy

Recommended Research Sources (Curated by JMU Faculty)
A Performer's Guide to Renaissance music, edited by Jeffery Kite-Powell is an excellent primer for performing this repertoire  
Music in the Renaissance, by Howard Mayer Brown provides a very readable overview of the music and composers of this era  
Gustav Reese's Music in the Renaissance is a more in-depth history of this musical period
The Performance of 16th-century music: learning from the theorists, by Anne Smith is almost indispensable for performers trained in the practices of later music who wish to perform earlier repertoire.

Select Repertoire/Scores

John Dunstable, Guillaume Dufay, Giles Binchois, Johannes Ockeghem, Antoine Busnois, Josquin des Prez, Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, Adrian Willaert, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso, Tomás Luis de Victoria, William Byrd, Carlo Gesualdo, Claudio Monteverdi,  Renaissance from Classical Scores Library Paid for by JMURenaissance era from IMSLP Open Access

Recommended Scores and Collections (Curated by JMU Faculty)
An Anthology of early Renaissance music, ed. by Noah Greenberg and Paul Maynard
Historical sets, collected editions, and monuments of music : a guide to their contents, compiled by Anna Harriet Heyer provides access to the many works in anthologies, etc
A Shakespeare music catalogue by Bryan N.S. Gooch, and David Thatcher in four volumes lists all music associated with Shakespeare and his plays 
Music in Medieval and Renaissance Life ed. by Andrew Collier Minor
Early Music Online from the Royal Holloway University of London Open Access

Select Recordings

John Dunstable, Guillaume Dufay, Giles Binchois, Johannes Ockeghem, Antoine Busnois, Josquin des Prez, Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, Adrian Willaert, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Orlando di Lasso, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Willliam Byrd, Carlo Gesualdo, Claudio Monteverdi

Recommended Recordings (Curated by JMU Faculty)
Josquin des Prez : Missa Pange lingua : Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips, cond. available online Paid for by JMU and CD
Claudio Monteverdi : Madrigali guerrieri et amorosi : The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley, cond. available online Paid for by JMU or selections on CD
Palestrina : Missa Papae Marchelli : Choir of Westminster Cathedral, David Hill, cond. available online  Paid for by JMU
Victoria : Motet O Quam gloriosum : Choir of Westminster Cathedral, David Hill, cond. available online  Paid for by JMU and on CD
William Byrd : The complete keyboard music of Willliam Byrd : Davitt Moroney, keyboards


Curated by JMU Faculty Curated by JMU Music Faculty  Paid for by JMU Paid for by JMU  Open AccessOpen Access Resource

Contact info

Profile Photo
Brian Cockburn
Music Library
Music Building
Office phone: 540 568-6978
Subjects: Music