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This guide will help find resources to research topics in economics.

Current issues in economics

Learn about current or emerging issues in economics.

Background or foundational sources in economics and research

These resources cover foundational terms and can be used to provide background in your scholarly writing. 

New print and e-books related to economics

Good Economics for Hard Times

The winners of the Nobel Prize show how economics, when done right, can help us solve the thorniest social and political problems of our day.


Discover how we can expect the world to evolve in terms of demographics, economics, technology, environment and beyond.

How to Fix the Future

Powerful, urgent, and deeply engaging,How to Fix the Future vividly depicts what we must do if we are to try to preserve human values in an increasingly digital world and what steps we might take as societies and individuals to make the future something we can again look forward to.

What's Wrong with Economics

A passionate and informed critique of mainstream economics from one of the leading economic thinkers of our time. This insightful book looks at how mainstream economics' quest for scientific certainty has led to a narrowing of vision and a convergence on an orthodoxy that is unhealthy for the field, not to mention the societies which base policy decisions on the advice of flawed economic models.

Broken Bargain

This engaging history documents the country's financial crises, focusing on those of the 1920s, the 1980s, and the 2000s, and reveals how the two more recent crises arose from the neglect of this fundamental bargain, and how taxpayers have been left with the bill.

Economics in Two Lessons

Two-lesson economics means giving up the dogmatism of laissez-faire as well as the reflexive assumption that any economic problem can be solved by government action, since the right answer often involves a mixture of market forces and government policy.

The Rise of Law and Economics

This is a history--though, intentionally, a brief history--of the rise of law and economics as a field of thought in the U.S. college and law school academy. This is an essential companion to law and economics texts for undergraduate law and economic students and, especially, a general supplement to first-year casebooks for law school students.

The Handbook of Economic Development and Institutions

This book focuses on three critical issues: the definitions of institutions in order to argue for a causal link to development, the complex interplay between formal and informal institutions, and the evolution and coevolution of institutions and their interactions with the political economy of development.

The Economics of Health Reform

The health care field is currently experiencing a great deal of change, including advances in medical technology, the development of new health care financing mechanisms, and the transformation of organizational arrangements. This text studies the health care system in the US, and selected other countries, through the lens of economics and policy.

Economic Statecraft and US Foreign Policy

Explaining the connection between economics and violent extremism, this book argues that American foreign policy must be rebalanced with a greater emphasis on social inclusion and shared prosperity in order to mitigate the root causes of conflict.

History Methodology and Identity for a 21st Century Social Economics

This book seeks to advance social economic analysis, economic methodology, and the history of economic thought in the context of twenty-first century scholarship and socio-economic concerns. This unique volume will be essential reading for advanced students and researchers across social economics, history of economic thought, economic methodology, political economy and philosophy of social science.

Globalization and Its Discontents

With a new introduction, major new chapters on the new discontents, the rise of Donald Trump, and the new protectionist movement, as well as a new afterword on the course of globalization since the book first appeared, Stiglitz's powerful and prescient messages remain essential reading.

The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences

The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences: Evidence, Causality, and Ends argues that economic phenomena can be examined from five analytical levels: a statistical descriptive approach, a causal explanatory approach, a teleological explicative approach, a normative approach and, finally, the level of application. This book is a valuable resource for students and scholars of the social sciences, philosophy, and the philosophy of economics. It will also be of interest to those researching political economy and the development of economic thought.

Democratizing the Economics Debate

Mainstream economists act on an idealized image of science, which includes the convergence of all perspectives into a single supposed scientific truth. Democratizing the Economics Debate shows that this idealized image both provides an inadequate description of what science should be and misrepresents the recent past and current state of economics. As experts who intervene in the public debate, economists must assure society that they are working in the best possible way, which includes fostering a wide and fair scientific debate. It is this test of social legitimacy that economics currently fails.

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