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HTH 354 Global & US Health Care Systems

Choosing Sources

Use the below table to compare and contrast how different sources are created and how you might use them differently in your project.




Book cover
Audience Academics, researchers
Author Academics and researchers experts in their field
Citations References required
Content Research results/reports, reviews of research, book reviews 
Purpose To share with academic community a large body of work
Review Process Books are reviewed for content by editors and sometimes experts. Often requires multiple rounds of review and revision
How to Use

Review Table of Contents to find specific chapters.

Search full text or the index to find exactly where your topic is discussed.

Read selections or key chapters.

Check sources to find other previously published resources.

Journal Articles




Audience Academics, researchers
Author Academics and researchers experts in their field
Citations References required
Content Research results/reports, reviews of research, book reviews 
Purpose To share with academic community
Review Process Editorial board made up of other experts, many articles are peer-reviewed
How to Use

For articles that summarize a topic, read the whole article.

For articles that summarize a research study, read out of order for easier comprehension.

Start with Abstract > Discussion > Results > Introduction > Methods.

Statistics & Datasets




World Health Organization logo
Audience General Public
Author Written by researchers, often at government agencies or non-profit research companies
Citations Methodology should be described
Content Numerical dataset
Purpose To measure and evaluate health trends
Review Process Unsure
How to Use

Review specific measurements

Compare/contrast with academic/professional resources like journal articles to understand factors that influence these statistics

Evaluate the source for particular viewpoints or potential bias from the organization





Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logo
Audience Check About page
Author Check individual page or check About page
Citations Not required
Content Anything - personal opinion, sales, government documents, think tank reports, videos
Purpose To share with anyone
Review Process Not required
How to Use

Review content critically

Check information found against other trustworthy sources

Library Search box

This search box searches our books, articles, and more from many of our databases.