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ORCiD: Introduction

Portions of this guide have been adapted from Texas Woman's University, with permission.

What is ORCiD?

ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher.

An ORCiD can be particularly useful if you have a common name, changed your name, or do not consistently use the same name format when publishing.

Why use ORCiD?

Do you have a common name? Have published some articles with your middle initiation, some with your first initial, and others with your full name? Have you changed your name during your research career? 

ORCiD solves this problem!

Distinguish Yourself in 3 Steps

Register for your ORCiD at
Registration takes 30 seconds.

Complete your ORCiD record with your professional information, link to your other identifiers, and fill in your scholarly record.

Include your ORCiD on your website, when you submit publications, and apply for grants.

Video: What is ORCiD?

Names alone are not enough to ensure credit for your work in the digital haystack and sometimes fail to connect researchers with their research outputs. Learn how ORCiD can ensure that your research outputs and professional activities are connected with you every time.

Who uses ORCiD?

ORCiD logo with arrows pointing to funders, research organizations, publishers, repositories, universities, professional organizations
Graphic by ORCiD

Your Digital Fingerprint

lime green fingerprint

ORCiD works like your fingerprint, driver's license number, or your JMU e-ID -- providing a digital identifier that is uniquely you.

ORCiDs Are

ORCiDs are:

  • Cross disciplinary
  • Used worldwide
  • Used by some publishers, universities, and repositories
  • Used by some funders

ORCiD goes with you

Your ORCiD goes with you wherever you go. If you change names, positions, titles, departments, or universities, your ORCiD stays the same.