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Streaming Videos

This guide contains information about accessing JMU's Streaming Video Collection

What We Collect

We collect streaming videos through two main avenues.

Individual Titles

These videos are selected for purchase and are hosted in Illumira. Depending on licensing, these can be available anywhere from one year to lifetime access.


Collections are repositories of streaming video which JMU has either purchased or subscribed to. These represent the majority of streaming videos to which JMU Library Users have access, since each repository has tens of thousands of videos available. Users can browse the complete list of JMU Streaming Video databases.

How We Get Access

JMU has access to both purchased and leased collections.

Purchased Collections  - These are perpetual access videos, which JMU has acquired. Rights to access these videos do not expire. Examples of this include several Alexander Street Press Collections, such as Dance in Video, Education in Video, and Counseling and Therapy in Video.  

Leased Collections - Most of JMU's streaming video services are leased collections, meaning that JMU libraries pays an annual fee to access the material. JMU retains the least amount of control over these platforms, which regularly add and remove titles. How often and when these titles are removed depends upon the platform. Here are examples of leased platforms, including how often they remove titles:

Access to JMU Streaming Videos is based upon licensing rights, which are not consistent across vendors, platforms, or publishers. It can take JMU Libraries up to a month to acquire additional access if we have lost the rights to a video. A faculty member who intends to use a video for instruction should check the current status of any streaming video at least one month before the date that they intend to use it. 

In addition to removing titles, platforms also frequently add titles to their services, as a result, users should look at the individual platforms to find the most accurate list of available videos. While we endeavor to keep the streaming video collections listed in the catalog up-to-date, it can take anywhere from 1-6 months for JMU to receive the records and information required to perform updates.