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CHEM 260: Concepts of Biochemistry

Course guide for the Concepts of Biochemistry class.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service for requesting materials not available in any JMU Libraries collections from other libraries and document delivery vendors; this includes items that are checked out, lost or missing.

All JMU students, faculty, and staff with a valid JMU e-ID are eligible for Interlibrary Loan services.Interlibrary Loan Logo

Want more information? If you are not familiar with our services, please take a few moments to review our Frequently Asked Questions.

Questions? Contact Interlibrary Loan.

As you are researching, be on the lookout for the button below to check if we have access to the article through another database or journal. 

JMU Get Access Button

If JMU Libraries does not have access to an article, you can request an electronic copy of it from another library using Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Receiving an electronic article usually takes 1-2 business days. If you will need ILL materials, do not wait to file a request. 

In addition to articles, you can also request physical books from ILL. These requests can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks to fulfil, or longer, because books are shipped from all over the country to Harrisonburg, Virginia. Once your physical item arrives, you can pick it up at one of the Libraries locations on campus.