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General chemistry and biochemistry subject guide.

Staying Current in Your Field

It is important to stay up to date on current research trends within your field. There are many fun and engaging ways that you can interact with new discoveries:

Consider setting up database search alerts:

  • If you are interested in a specific area of research, run a search for this topic in Scopus. Scopus will save this search and will send you an email with new papers that meet your search query. This Scoups Tutorial will walk you through the process. 

Subscribe to science newsletters

  • Websites such as Science and Nature both have informative and engaging newsletters. 

Read Chemistry trade publications, such as C&EN Global Enterprise:

  • C&EN Global Enterprise is a leading trade publication from the American Chemical Society. Issues feature a mix of short articles to full-length features. 

Engage with chemistry and science magazines

Add some Chemistry podcasts to your playlist: 

Follow scientists on social media