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General chemistry and biochemistry subject guide.

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Chemical Structure Editors

If you do hot have access to ChemDraw, there are a few free or low-cost options for drawing chemical structures. 

MarvinSketch & MarvinView (free)

  • Free structure/reaction drawing editor from ChemAxon. Structure editor supporting multiple file formats, for Windows, Mac and Linux. Free access is for personal, non-commercial use only. Prompted to renew every 2 months. Registration required. Under your account info, you'll find a alphanumeric license key and an offline license for downloading. You can use either option to activate your Marvin license once installed.

BIOVIA Draw (no free version)

  • Chemical structure drawing tool. No-fee option for academic and non-commercial use, but registration required to download. Formerly Accelrys (ISIS/Draw).

Chem Doodle (limited time free trial)

  • Structure/reaction editor for Windows, Mac and Linux. Includes ChemDoodle 2D, 3D, and Mobile. There are several pricing options, with a free trial available.

*JMU Libraries does not provide access to these resources. Rather, this list is given to help you find relevant study materials.