The American Society of Appraisers maintains a free referral service with search capacity by material type and geographic location.
Auction houses have qualified personnel on staff who can provide valuations. Expect to pay a fee for professional services such as condition reports and comparable auction and/or insurance estimates. There are many reputable auction houses and dealers here in the Shenandoah Valley. Green Valley Auctions and Jeffrey Evans & Associates are two local options.
Want to do some sleuthing before hiring a professional?
Search OCLC/WorldCat with the exact title/publisher/year to see how many library holdings there are worldwide. (The number of holdings is an indication of how rare a book is.) Next, check any of these booksellers for comparable listings. Tip: don't forget to factor in condition!
The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works offers a free referral service "Find a Conservator" by material type and geographic location. Their website has a wealth of information including disaster response, health & safety, and collections care.
Book & Paper Conservators and Binders (Local):
Don't let your favorite books fall victim to DIY. Duck tape, electric tape, and other non-archival pressure sensitive tapes and adhesives are poor choices. Please consult a professional before attempting a repair. The Preservation Office is here to help. Reversing a mistake is costly and time-consuming.
Most art stores and frame shops source archival materials and storage solutions such as acid-free tissue and mat board. Harrisonburg is home to several national chains and a few "mom & pop" stores such as Larkin Arts and the Frame Factory.
Virginia retailers:
National suppliers:
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