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CoB Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

This guide will introduce you to foundational research skills to begin your journey as a research assistant.

Learn More About Your Research Topic

A literature review examines existing contributions around a topic, question, or issue in a field of study. These contributions can include peer reviewed articles, books, and other published research. Literature reviews can be used to give an overview of a field of research to describe theories, explore methodologies, and discuss developments in a field by drawing on research from multiple studies.

A literature review can be used to:

  1. Ground yourself in a topic and learn more about it
  2. Find new ideas to explore
  3. Discover existing research (so you do not repeat it)
  4. Determine what methodologies have already been used to research a topic
  5. Discover flaws, problems, and gaps that exist in the literature
  6. Critique or evaluate existing research on a topic
  7. Situate your research in a larger context or advocate for your research by demonstrating that you are extending upon existing knowledge

What makes a good literature review?

A good literature review has a clear scope - don't try to collect everything about a topic that has ever been published! Instead focus in on what you want to know more about your specific research topic. A good literature review might also:

  • Cover all important relevant literature - if you are finding too many sources, try narrowing in on key authors and well cited-research
  • Is up-to-date - limit your review to a certain time period
  • Provide an insightful analysis of the ideas and conclusions in the literature
  • Point out similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses in the literature
  • Identify gaps in the literature for future research - or to set up your own research as relevant!
  • Provides the context for which the literature is important - what impact does the literature have on countries, people, industries, etc.

A well conducted literature review can set up your final research product. Many researchers will write literature reviews at the beginning of their research article to situate their research within the larger context in their field or topic. This demonstrates that they have awareness of their topic and how they are building upon the topic. Keeping good notes when you are conducting your review can help set you up for success when you begin work on your final research product. When conducting your literature review AVOID:

  • Summarizing articles INSTEAD draw connections between different articles
  • Creating a chronological account of a topic INSTEAD focus on current literature or foundational works
  • Sharing personal opinions on whether or not you liked articles INSTEAD ask questions

A strong literature review organizes existing contributions to a conversation into categories or “themes.” There are multiple ways to approach targeting a literature review to achieve your specific learning goals. Common types of reviews include:

Traditional Review

  • Analyzes, synthesizes, and critiques a body of literature
  • Identifies patterns and themes in the literature
  • Draws conclusions from the literature
  • Identifies gaps in literature

Argumentative Review

  • Examines literature selectively in order to support or refuse an argument, assumption, or philosophical problem already established in the literature

Historical Review

  • Examines research throughout a period of time
  • Places research in a historical context

Integrative Review

  • Aims to review, critique, and synthesize literature on a topic in an integrated way that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated
  • Might include case studies, observational studies, and meta-analysis, as well as other types of research

Methodological Review

  • Focuses on method of analysis (how researchers came to the idea) rather than on findings (their final conclusions and what they found)

Published literature reviews are called review articles, however, research articles often contain brief literature reviews at the beginning to give context to the study within that article. 

By reviewing published literature reviews you can more easily ground yourself in a topic, it's main themes, and find relevant literature for your own review.

Tip: When identifying main themes related to your topic, look at the headers in a research article. Some authors choose to list their literature review themes as headers to organize their review. Others might choose to name their themes in the first few sentences of each paragraph in their review. Sometimes a literature review, especially if it is brief, will be included in the introduction or some other beginning part of the article.

Approaching a Literature Review

An Evidence-Based Management Framework can help direct your literature review process.

"Evidence-Based" is a term that was originally coined in the 1990s in the field of medicine, but today its principles extend across disciplines as varied as education, social work, public work, and management. Evidence-Based Management focuses on improving decision-making process.

While conducting a literature review, we need to gather evidence and summarize it to support our decisions and conclusions regarding the topic or problem. We recommend you use a 4 step approach of the Evidence-Based Management Framework while working on a literature review.

During the "Ask" step, you need to define a specific topic, thesis, problem, or research question that your literature review will be focusing on.

It may require first to gain some knowledge about the area or discipline that your topic, thesis, problem, or research question originate from. At this moment, think about a type of a literature review you plan to work on. For example are you reviewing the literature to educate yourself on a topic, to plan to write a literature review article, or to prepare to situate your research project within the broader literature?

Use this to determine the scope of your literature review and the type of publications you need to use (e.g., journals, books, governmental documents, conference proceedings, dissertations, training materials, and etc.).

A few other questions you might ask are:

  • Is my topic, question, or problem narrowed enough to exclude irrelevant material?
  • What is the number of sources to use to fulfill the research need and represent the scope? i.e. is the topic narrow enough that you want to find everything that exists or broad enough that you only want to see what a few experts have to say?
  • What facets of a topic are the focus? Am I looking at issues of theory? methodology? policy? quantitative research? or qualitative research?

During the “Acquire” step, you are actively gathering evidence and information that relates to your topic or problem.

This is when you search for related scholarly articles, books, dissertations, and etc. to see “what has been done” and “what we already know” about the topic or problem. While doing a literature review in business, you may also find it helpful to review various websites such as professional associations, government websites offering industry data, companies’ data, conference proceedings, or training materials. It may increase your understanding about the current state of the knowledge in your topic or problem.

During this step, you should keep a careful records of the literature and website resources you review. 

During the “Appraise” step, you actively evaluate the sources used to acquire the information. To make decisions regarding the relevance and trustworthiness of the sources and information, you can ask the following questions:

  • Is the source reputable? (e.g., peer-reviewed journals and government websites typically offer more trustworthy information)
  • How old (dated) is the source? Is it still current, or is there newer updated information that you might be able to find?
  • How closely does the source match the topic / problem / issue you are researching?

During this step, you may decide to eliminate some of the material you gathered during the “Acquire” step. Similarly, you may find that you need to engage in additional searches to find information that suits your needs. This is normal—the process of the "Appraisal" step often uncovers new keywords and new potential sources.

During the “Aggregate” step, you “pull together” the information you deemed trustworthy and relevant. The information gathered and evaluated needs to be summarized in a narrative form—a summary of your findings. 

While summarizing and aggregating information, use synthesis language like this: 

  • Much of the literature on [topic X] focuses on [major themes].  
  • In recent years, researchers have begun investigating [facets A, B, and C] of [topic X].
  • The studies in this review of [topic X] confirm / suggest / call into question / support [idea / practice / finding / method / theory / guideline Y].
  • In the reviewed studies [variable X] was generally associated with higher / lower rates of [outcome Y].
  • A limitation of some / most / all of these studies is [Y].