Every academic discipline has an origin story complicit with white supremacy. Racial hierarchy and colonialism structured the very foundations of most disciplines' research and teaching paradigms. In the early twentieth century, the academy faced rising opposition and correction, evident in the intervention of scholars including W. E. B. Du Bois, Zora Neale Hurston, Carter G. Woodson, and others. By the mid-twentieth century, education itself became a center in the struggle for social justice... This book challenges scholars and students to see race again. Examining the racial histories and colorblindness in fields as diverse as social psychology, the law, musicology, literary studies, sociology, and gender studies, Seeing Race Again documents the profoundly contradictory role of the academy in constructing, naturalizing, and reproducing racial hierarchy.
ABC is an African-owned, worldwide marketing and distribution outlet for books from Africa--scholarly, literature and children's books. Access includes pre-2020 backlist (1,490 ebooks), 2020 frontlist (76 ebooks), and 2021 frontlist (84 ebooks). The majority of titles are DRM-free. Titles can also be found in the library catalog.
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"An open access, not-for-profit, publisher of scholarly books. African Minds publishes predominantly in the social sciences and its authors are typically African academics or those with a close affinity with the continent."
Catalog of over 62 million titles cataloged by libraries worldwide that includes manuscripts written as early as the 1000 B.C., books, audio visual media, and internet source
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