Content type(s): Data aggregation and research platform covering North American, European, and Asian markets, industries and societal topics. Dates covered: Varies
Content type(s): Market data, statistics, and analyst reports on the Internet, e-business, digital marketing, media, and emerging technologies. Dates covered: Current
Data about a public company's media spend. Be warned that some of the entries are LONG since they list the individual advertising contacts, but the media spend data is at the bottom of each entry, so I suggest just scrolling to the bottom and working your way up.
Online access to the trade magazine AdAge and its DataCenter. Includes profiles of top advertisers, media, and agencies as well as job data, advertising spending, award winners, and agency family trees.
Demographics & Lifestyles
Consumer data: Free resources
These resources give you insight into demographics, market areas and consumers' tastes and preferences.