If your course requires frequent access to JMU Libraries subscriptions or databases, one of these statements can help convey your expectations to students in either the course syllabus or in a specific project assignment.
Change the wording to match your course expectations and add our contact information under a subheading such as Business Information Skills or Research Expectations.
This class requires students to find information sources for a presentation, research paper, or team project. College-level research requires college-level sources. Appropriate sources include scholarly and peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and well-respected news organizations. JMU Libraries offers a large number of appropriate sources that can be accessed online.
The librarians who specialize in business information are Valerie Linsinbigler and Elizabeth Price. Consult the Research Guides they have curated with resources useful to each CoB major. Or meet with them in person in Hartman Hall 1060 or 1061. Make your appointment at https://events.lib.jmu.edu/appointments/.
This course requires writing several research papers, and you are expected to know how to supplement your arguments with JMU Libraries’ resources and cite them appropriately. You may ask for assistance from JMU’s Business Librarians, Ms. Valerie Linsinbigler and Ms. Elizabeth Price. Make an appointment for a consultation at https://events.lib.jmu.edu/appointments/.
To find credible sources for your research assignments, try the Research Guides that Business Librarians Valerie Linsinbigler and Elizabeth Price have curated for students in each College of Business major. Ms. Linsinbigler and Ms. Price are specialists in business information. For individual assistance, email them at linsinvl@jmu.edu and price2el@jmu.edu.
JMU’s Business Librarians are Valerie Linsinbigler (linsinvl@jmu.edu) and Elizabeth Price (price2el@jmu.edu). Meet with them if you need help getting started with research for this assignment or have questions along the way.
For help with APA citations, consult JMU Libraries’ Guide to Citing in APA, which has some business specific examples.
These statements were adapted from Wichita State University, the University of Central Missouri, and the University of Central Florida.
Accounting, computer information systems & business analytics, economics, or finance & business law instructors: Download this image to share in your Canvas course if you want to encourage students to use JMU Libraries' business information in their assignments.
Marketing, management, or international business instructors: Download this image to share in your Canvas course if you want to encourage students to use JMU Libraries' business information in their assignments.
Download this image to share in your Canvas course if you want to encourage students to meet with one of the CoB Peer Research Advisers to incorporate more credible business information into their assignments.
These are case study resources to which JMU subscribes or are available open access.
Other fee-based case study publishers include Harvard Business Publishing, HEC Montreal, Ivey Publishing, WDI Publishing. These publishers require instructors to license cases individually or in packs, at your expense and/or at student expense.
All Harvard case studies -- including those from HBR -- must be licensed for use each semester through https://hbsp.harvard.edu/cases/.
NOTE: JMU Libraries can't license individual Harvard cases for instructors.
Open Educational Resources are ...
... any educational resources such as textbooks, tutorials, handouts, quizzes, videos, etc.
... that have an open license, which allow users to reuse, redistribute, revise, remix, and retain resources.
JMU licenses several different streaming video collections and will purchase individual titles when requested.
Note: Harvard Business Review content must be licensed through HBP in education to be used as course readings.
Some of JMU's subscription resources are creating reports, infographics and podcasts that focus on emerging industries.
These tools help you collate your scholarly activity and differentiate your work from others with the same name.
These tools help you measure your scholarly impact.