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MBA Resources

Resources for students in JMU's MBA programs.

Industry analysis

These reports examine trends affecting firms operating in an industry, such as supply chain issues or changes in demand determinants. 

Looking to cite an industry database? 

On my Research Guide for COB 300, I have tutorials for different resources like IBISWorld. The last slide always shows you where to find the information necessary to create an APA citation. 

Industry associations (aka trade groups)

Additional research/resources might be available from groups that lobby on behalf of or provide support for firms operating in a particular industry. Sometimes data is restricted to members.

Academic studies

Professors publish research about effective strategies in their area of expertise. While these studies might use small sample sizes that can't be generalized to other organizations, they still might illuminate suggestions you hadn't considered. 

JMU databases

 Explanations for the general public

These sites try to translate the findings of academic research so that anyone can understand them. Some business schools, like Wharton or Kenan-Flagler at UNC, do this on their own sites. Look for links promising Research or Insights

Citation searching

Found an article referenced in another source? Use these tools to find JMU access.

Think tanks and non-profits

Use research to advocate for social or policy solutions. Can be non-partisan, centrist, or lean liberal or conservative. can help you identify a think tank or policy group's slant. 

Consumer preferences

Market research reports about school shopping, kids' activities, or marketing to parents could help inform your strategy.  

Note: Mintel requires you to agree to their terms each time you log in. You can't use information from their reports for commercial purposes or share the reports with anyone outside of JMU. You may use them as part of academic assignments only. 

Data & statistics

Financial data