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MBA Resources

Resources for students in JMU's MBA programs.

Decoding library jargon

What does it mean? Decoding library jargon

You might see these words mentioned on this guide, or used by your professors:

Liaison librarian = An expert researcher in the subject area who can be consulted for course projects. 

Article = A piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, journal or other publication. Which MBAs make more? is an article from the magazine Harvard Business Review

Research databases = Search interfaces that enable library users to find articles from journals and magazines. This infographic explains the relationship between articles, journals and databases. 

Peer-reviewed journals = Scholarly publications in which articles are approved by other specialists in the field before they are printed. Many library databases allow you to filter results to see only peer-reviewed articles. This infographic explains the peer-review process.

JMU Library Catalog = Search the print books, e-books, films, etc., that you can access as a JMU student.

Interlibrary loan (ILL) = Request materials that JMU doesn't own (such as books, articles or films). These are loaned from other libraries and usually have no cost to the student.

Off-campus access = JMU pays for you to have access to highly specialized research databases. Therefore you must have a JMU e-ID and password to access them. Instructions to use library resources off-campus.

Research process: Tutorials

What is a library database?

VIDEO: What is a library database?

This 2-minute video from RMIT University explains library databases from a student's perspective.

Opening screen: Video tutorial about scholarly articles

VIDEO: What is a scholarly article?

This 3-minute video from Western Carolina University explains what is meant by a scholarly or peer-review article.

Video explaining the difference between scholarly and popular articles

VIDEO: Scholarly vs. popular articles

This 3-minute video from Vanderbilt University explains the differences between scholarly and popular articles. 

How to read a scholarly article - video tutorial

VIDEO: How to read a scholarly article

This 5-minute video from the Kishwaukee College Library shows how to read a scholarly article for research.

Choosing the best keywords

VIDEO: How to Choose Keywords

This 3-minute video from McMaster Libraries explains how to choose keywords for database searching when doing research.

Slide screen of tutorial on Evaluating Sources for

VIDEO: Evaluating Sources for Credibility

This 3-minute video from NCSU show how you can tell if a source is credible.

Slide screen for tutorial about citations

VIDEO: Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction

This 2-minute video from NCSU explains what a citation is and  why do we do it.

Screen shot of tutorial about the Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

VIDEO: Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

This 5-minute video from NCSU examines the characteristics of a research article from an academic journal.

Screen shot from tutorial about Literature Reviews

VIDEO: Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students

This 10-minute video from NCSU shows what a literature review is, explains its purpose in research, and tells what should you expect when writing one.

Screen shot from tutorial about Building Your Knowledge Base

VIDEO: Building Your Knowledge Base

This 3-minute video from UNC shows how to move from a idea to an argument for a research project. 

screen shot from tutorial about Developing a Research Question

VIDEO: Developing a Research Question

This 5-minute video from Laurier Library explains how to choose a manageable topic for your research assignment.