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Music Library Instruction and Workshops

Information Literacy in music research, performing, and education

Using Music to Teach History

According to Bruno Nettl, "One cannot really understand a culture without taking into account the almost inevitably great importance of its music"

However, it is not only culture, but politics, science, sociology, history, philosophy, religion, and yes, even STEM....  Almost all human endeavors have some connection or relation to music.  And with the innate understanding that we all--student and faculty alike--have with music, it is an underused tool in teaching non-music subjects.

For some, it is just another complication to classroom and online teaching.  For others, it is a lack of in depth musical knowledge that makes identifying and finding the right music to support the educational goals of their class.

The Music Librarian is eager to help you find ways to easily and smoothly integrate elements of music into your classroom.  So watch the vid, take a look at the "guide", and get some ideas...then...

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