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Book Displays

"Being You: Boundaries, Self Care, and Community Care" on display in Rose Library, April-summer 2024.
Selected by Kristen Shuyler, Liz Chenevey, Magali Laitem, and Karla Kale

Learning how to be you can be quite a process. Among the stresses and joys of college, you’ll likely be exploring things like: How do I take care of myself? Who else can I rely on? What are my boundaries?

Self-care is an ongoing practice, and you can develop your self-care skills by learning how to establish boundaries, seek help from your trusted community, and prioritize your well-being. 

This display is designed to help you explore and learn new self-care strategies! Created in partnership with the JMU Counseling Center, it offers books, audiobooks, videos, and on-campus resources and spaces.

Print Books


Streaming Audio & Podcasts

Streaming Video

On-Campus Spaces for Self Care

JMU Web Pages & Resources

Other Resources