Understanding Black Lives Matter
On display in Rose and Carrier Libraries, October 2016.
Selected by Yasmeen Shorish and Michael Mungin, in consultation with
the Libraries Council on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
This display produced a strong response from the community, which was documented in this News Item.
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement began after the shooting death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012. Since its founding, it has been the source of much support, derision, and controversy. According to the official website, "Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise. It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression." In order to explore the context in which the BLM movement began and operates, this book display covers a diverse range of interrelated topics.
This book list is not meant to be a comprehensive bibliography on the topic of the display. It's a snapshot of selected items in our collection on this topic as of October 2016.